Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The stars don't shine shine apon us. We're in the way of their light. (stolen)

The title was stolen from, well, Ricky Swallow and he is f-in' amazing. So much so.
Here's some stuff

Monday, December 28, 2009


So this one is a wall in Portland and some plant matter and rays of sunlight and an awesome stencil of a butterfly and well, it makes my heart sing songs of joy.

This picture I stole off the internet (the Thrasher site) and a backyard amazing bowl with pool coping and extensions and what I think is a crailtap (though I'm prob'ly wrong). Well, holy sheeeite and dizzamn.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Umm, yeah.

So this is Banksy. Long been a really, really good, uh, street artist? Guy who puts awesome art outside? Just good, that's all.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Unsensible advice taken gladly.

Umm, so. . .
Well, it's Christmas and I am with some of my family members in Groveland, CA (next to Yosemite National Park). And I am umm, living life, enjoying it (of course) and having recent fits of unbridled freakout over really nothing.
I should put up some pictures or art or sumthin'.

So, this one is good, I think, at least. I don't know who it is though.
. . .and
I tried to upload the Blu video "Muto" and some crap was making the video not work though. Check out the artist "Blu", he is mind-blowingly awesome.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Distracted nothingness



Thursday, November 12, 2009


Just that.
There is a kind of jumbled feeling that I have been cut off from the world.
I’m still allowed to perceive it and I watch it flowing past my eyes but I am not able to interact with it. This is just an occasional feeling and it goes in and out of my conciousness.
So many thoughts coursing through my head. It is a bit fleeting, it doesn’t seem like it really stays, One thing will be gone for a long time, and then re-emerge, and then stay with me for a little bit, and then blip out until 3 years later and then no more.
So, yeah. Things overall seem like their off on a good course. It also. . .
I am currently in a state where I feel disconnected. The world seems so f-in’ large, like unfathomably so, and I am but an infinitely small speck amidst it all.
“It all” just makes my mind spin in awry, irregularly spinning circles that makes myself just collapse inward and sink into a form of non-thinking thought.
Dissoriented, dilapidated, dehydrated, denigrated.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Commiseration and unlikely sentiments.

A palpable tremor.
There are things in the world, some far away and unreachable, but visible. Their presence meaning something.

Well hello there. How are you?
I think I can communicate with more honesty and incite with writing a little bit better than speech. I can formulate my ideas and mull things over while still letting my thoughts, opinions and ideas flow out. That is why this is how I am communicating with you. Keep that in mind when you are reading this over. Every word is written for you. Pick up the words and feel them with your hands, taste them, make them you own.
They are for you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Not knowing, and not caring.

Burnside all aglow and empty. Dreams are made with this.

Friday, November 6, 2009


This is skateboarder James Kelch representin'.

Look for a long time, it turns into a dragon.

I guess this might be some other art to look at, maybe.  It (the art) evokes a lot of feelings and emotion from me, and other stuff.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well, here's some art.

I don't know how the artist feels about me putting there art on here but, oh well, it's freakin' awesome.  This one above is Dominigue Fung.

This one is a photo taken by someone I don't know and it's amazingly awesome.