Intangible, possibly sweet shreds of tattered other things. Nothing out there and very little in the scant whole.
Maybe some art, music and other stuff,
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Well, here's some art.
I don't know how the artist feels about me putting there art on here but, oh well, it's freakin' awesome. This one above is Dominigue Fung.
This one is a photo taken by someone I don't know and it's amazingly awesome.
Colin Decker stands at the top of a heap of disabled nudist ukelele playing missionaries that have come before him. Starting at the introduction of a "Uke" to the boy by his great aunt Edith in 1921. The boy took to the ukelele with uncharacteristic zeal, quickly mastering both the inflection and tone from the difficult instrument. Brought to the stage by a young special ed. teacher in 1941, a frightened Colin ran away from his first public appearance. He returned once again the following year where he was recieved warmly by the Crowd at the Grays Harbor VFW. (Decca recording;1942 item-x4500021) After that slight misstep, the young Colin found himself travelling 'round the clock and sharing his special gift with the world. This seminal man has since gone on to forge a catalogue of music that will surely prove that the name Colin Decker will stand the test of time and forever after be known as a euphemism for triumphing over the adversity of being a disabled nudist.